S1E6 - The Movie Review - Episode 04
14 years ago
Episode 04 of the Movie Review arrives, sadly ruined by a desk fan blowing on the microphone. Ant is away doing something terribly important, so it's up to Rich, Simon and Tommy to discuss the new trailers for Tron Legacy, Faster, Suckerpunch and Red; Films We Don't Want To Watch are the Sex and the City movies; the Cinema Review is Toy Story 3; the Rant of the Week is Sherlock Holmes by The Asylum; the Guilty Pleasure of the week is the Underworld Trilogy; the Cult Classic is Escape From New York; the Main Feature is a discussion of TV to Film adaptations; and we finish with Most Disappointing Moments in Cinema - this week it's the Star Wars prequels and revealing what The Force actually is. Bloody midi-chlorians.